hEy. =) i'm bOrEd... i dUn wAn t0 stUdy.. =X l0lx.. bUt lOoKs liKe i gOt nO chOicE.. mY prEsEnt clAss iS 1 bunCh oF smARt alEc... sAd sAd.. hAhax.. nO lAr.. iT's greAt knOwiNg tHis bUnCh oF ppLe. reAlly.. hAHax.. hAd l0tsA fUn tOo lArx.. bUt thEy plAy aNd sTuDy tGt... whEreAs mE.. =s i plAy aNd plAy.. l0lx.. vEry siAnx aRhx... rEcEntLy mOoD sWiNg qUitE oFteNly.. =x haha... i think i noe why.. but i'm avoiding it.. i duno wat to do.. haha.. nvm.. shall let myself calm down 1st... too much to digest le.. =s l0lx.. life is juz so well.. u can sae it's fun? or.. it's fooling u? haha.. i duno. and i duno what crap i'm toking now.. =x lOL! okay.. nvm... afterall.. i still haf my gay! hahax... lj gay.. tok to him = no worries no moody onli got laughters! lOL.. wah.. i promoting my gay.. hahax u guys dun snatch him from me arh! he's mine forever xD LOL!! jkjk.. later his gf come find me settle. lOL xD sian.. blog another time ba.. haha duno what to write le.. ciAOx. hope tml will be a better day =\