y0z.. hihi.. haha... todae was a tiring dae sia.. =x haha.. todae's open hse was more lyk playing ard in sch l0r.. haha.. bball, soccer, netball haha.. quite long nv plae so many sports liao =x but i was lyk making a fool out of myself in netball =x haha.. really NOOB lolx... but i enjoyed myself.. =P haha.. den it was trackers VS netball gers.. tho we lost.. haha.. it was a gd game anyway.. referee kelong~ haha... =P l0lx.. den after the game i was lyk *pengz.. haha... c0z b4 tt i already played so many games =x hehe.. wah.. todae really enjoy.. haha... ermmm nth much to write le.. end here todae ba =P *ciaox...