y0z.. hihi... wah.. tired ar todae.. =x hehe.. my leg now hurt sia... morning do "3.6" run.. + some conditioning.. cool.. haha.. i was going to peng when running tt 3.6 sia.. kns.. too long nv run le lar~ =| or really *lao le.. haha.. duno lar.. den after tt.. went for a-maths remedial.. was doing hw there... for 4 hrs++ ??? haha.. and i reach home at 3+ todae had a tiring day sia... nvmz.. it's worth it de =D *u'll nv noe until u tried.. keke.. for everything u do.. muz put in ur best! hehe.. or else.. nth would be gain.. =x wait.. *what am i toking abt? haha... duno lar.. heck.. hehez.. ermmm i stop here liaox.. very tired... kekez.. dun feel lyk doing anything sia.. =x *pig.. haha... k lar.. *ciaox...